Onyx Hippogriff Color Concepts

Concept 1

Concept 1

Concept 2 - Playing with some designs on the hippogriff, referencing the Magpie.

Concept 2 - Playing with some designs on the hippogriff, referencing the Magpie.

Concept 4 - Higher contrast

Concept 4 - Higher contrast

Concept 4

Concept 4



I had the fantastic opportunity to concept the Onyx Hippogriff colors in Hogwarts Legacy. We really liked how black birds like Ravens, Crows, Magpies etc. Have a wide range of colors subtley overlaid on their black feathers.
Under the directions of Sebastian Gallego (Lead Concept Artist), Jeffrey Bunker (Art Director), Bryan Allen (Lead Character Artist), and Tyler Lybbert (Principle Artist).